
WHOLE OF PARTS exhibition at Plataforma Blanco.
BLANCO is the NUCLEO platform ( ) which offers a window into the work of NUCLEO artists, with a focus on experimentation, reflection and encounter.
Part of the work of the last two years carried out in the workshops of this organization is then presented.
Sculptural research that uses assembling and gluing different parts as a elaboration strategy. Where the center of the earth, gravity and therefore balance and equilibrium are the guiding threads that structure the resulting objects.
The creation of the volumes has been quick and intuitive, letting the unconscious act and release its imagination. It is in this way where tranquility is found in production, thus managing to shed some of the anguish that artistic creation generates.
The result, and what is presented in this exhibition, has been a series of sculptures in recycled stone and wood where each element is intertwined with the other to achieve a harmonious whole.

Foto de @bartvanleuvenfoto

Foto de @bartvanleuvenfoto